# | 1 | Luke's purpose in writing a gospel
1 | 2 | John's prologue: God's Word (logos) becomes flesh |
2 | 3 | Jesus' lineage through Mary and Joseph |
3 | 4 | John's birth foretold to Zechariah |
4 | 5 | Jesus' birth foretold to Mary |
5 | 6 | Mary's visit to Elizabeth and Elizabeth's song |
6 | 7 | Mary's song of joy |
7 | 8 | John's birth, Zechariah's prophetic song |
8 | 9 | Circumstances of Jesus' birth explained to Joseph |
9 | 10 | Birth of Jesus |
10 | 11 | Praise of the angels and witness of the shepherds |
11 | 12 | Circumcision of Jesus |
12 | 13 | Jesus presented in the temple, Simeon and Anna |
13 | 14 | Visit of the Magi |
14 | 15 | Escape to Egypt, murder of boys in Bethlehem |
15 | 16a | Return to Nazareth |
16 | 18 | Jesus' first Passover in Jerusalem |
17 | 19 | Jesus' growth to adulthood |
18 | 21 | John's proclamation and baptism |
19 | 22 | John's message to Pharisees, crowds and soldiers |
20 | 24a | Jesus' baptism |
21 | 25 | Jesus' temptation in the desert |
22 | 26 | John's testimony about himself |
23 | 28 | Jesus' first followers |
24 | 29 | Jesus' first miracle: water becomes wine |
25 | 31 | First cleansing of the temple |
26 | 32 | Nicodemus' interview with Jesus |
27 | 33 | John superseded by Jesus |
28 | 35 | Discussion with a Samaritan woman |
29 | 38 | Child at Capernaum healed by Jesus |
30 | 39 | Rejection at Nazareth |
31 | 40 | Move to Capernaum |
32 | 41 | Call of Simon, Andrew, James and John |
33 | 42a | Teaching in the synagogue of Capernaum |
34 | 43 | Peter's mother-in-law healed |
35 | 45 | Cleansing of a man with leprosy |
36 | 46a | Forgiving and healing of a paralytic |
37 | 47a | Call of Matthew |
38 | 48a | Jesus defends his disciples for not fasting |
39 | 49 | Jesus heals an invalid on the Sabbath |
40 | 50a | Controversy over disciples picking grain |
41 | 51a | Sabbath healing of a man's shriveled hand |
42 | 52a | Withdrawal to the Sea of Galilee with large crowds |
43 | 53b | Twelve apostles chosen |
44 | 54a | Sermon on the mount |
45 | 54b | The Beatitudes |
46 | 105a | The Lord's prayer |
47 | 105b | Ask, seek and knock |
48 | 55 | A centurion's faith and his servant's healing |
49 | 56 | A widow's son raised at Nain |
50 | 57 | John the Baptist's relationship to the kingdom |
51 | 58a | Woes upon Chorazin and Bethesda |
52 | 59 | Jesus' feet anointed by a sinful woman |
53 | 61e | Blasphemy against the Spirit |
54 | 63a | Jesus' spiritual brothers, sisters, mother |
55 | 64b | Parable of the sower and seed |
56 | 64n | Parable of the weeds |
57 | 64o | Parable of the mustard seed |
58 | 65a | Calming the storm |
59 | 66a | Healing the insane at Gerasa |
60 | 67a | Healing of a woman/Jairus' daughter |
61 | 68 | Healing of three blind men |
62 | 71a | Herod hears of Jesus' fame |
63 | 71b | The beheading of John |
64 | 72d | Feeding of the five thousand |
65 | 74a | Walking on the water |
66 | 76 | Discourse on the bread of life |
67 | 77a | Conflict, Tradition of ceremonial uncleanness |
68 | 78 | Greek woman begs for daughter's healing |
69 | 79b | Feeding of the four thousand |
70 | 80a | Request for a sign; discerning the times |
71 | 81 | Leaven of the Pharisees |
72 | 82 | Peter confesses Jesus as the Son of God |
73 | 83a | Peter a Satan |
74 | 85 | Transfiguration of Jesus |
75 | 86a | Elijah and John the Baptist |
76 | 87 | Healing of a boy stricken with epilepsy |
77 | 88 | Second prediction of Jesus' death |
78 | 89 | Payment of the temple tax |
79 | 90 | Rivalry over greatness in the kingdom |
80 | 91c | Better to lose a hand or eye |
81 | 91e | The lost sheep |
82 | 92a | Forgiving your brother seventy times seven |
83 | 93a | I will follow you wherever you go... |
84 | 94 | Ridicule from Jesus' half-brothers |
85 | 96a | Controversy during the feast of Tabernacles |
86 | 96b | Frustrated attempt to arrest Jesus |
87 | 97 | A woman caught in adultery |
88 | 98 | I am the light of the world... |
89 | 99a | Where I go, you cannot come... |
90 | 99b | Jesus' relationship to Abraham |
91 | 100 | Healing of a man born blind and his response |
92 | 101 | The good shepherd and the hireling |
93 | 102 | Commissioning of the seventy |
94 | 103 | The good Samaritan |
95 | 104 | Jesus' visit with Mary and Martha |
96 | 107 | Woe to the Pharisees and lawyers |
97 | 108a | Beware of covetousness - The rich fool |
98 | 108d | Prepared and unprepared servants |
99 | 109 | Unless ye repent... |
100 | 110 | A woman healed on the Sabbath |
101 | 111 | I and my Father are one |
102 | 113e | Sorrow over Jerusalem